To pursue the Highlands Ranch Community Association's (HRCA) plan for the future, the Board of Directors have implemented a strategic planning process relating to how it funds itself, and provides services and amenities. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to keep the HRCA on course during this time of change and beyond.
The first step in developing a strategic plan is determining what is desired to be accomplished. For an organization like the HRCA, which is responsible for making decisions on behalf of an entire community, this process starts with a Vision for the Future. The Vision for the Future is the ideal desired condition of the community at some future point in time – typically decades away. The Vision is a dream rooted in reality that may contain some existing conditions to be preserved, along with future ambitions to be strived for that are consistent with its vision.
Highlands Ranch is a thriving community and the HRCA's mission is to "build the lifestyle that you want to live" so that Highlands Ranch will continue to be a great place for generations to live, worship, work, learn and play. The HRCA's Vision for the Future and Mission together provide the foundation for the Strategic Plan and the five year Capital Improvement Plan.