What: The committee reviews, approves, and/or makes recommendations to the monthly detailed financial statements that the HRCA accounting department staff present. They make recommendations to the Board about monthly financials, the annual audit, and the budget, as well as other financially related items. The minutes and summary of financials are part of the monthly Delegate-Board Meeting Packet.
Who: The committee is comprised of Highlands Ranch homeowner volunteers with expertise in finance and accounting. Members assist the board in ensuring that financial records conform to generally accepted accounting principles and the provisions of the HRCA Declaration. Attendance and active, insightful participation at virtually all meetings is targeted. Executive and Board level experience as well as thoughtful leadership is desirable.
Meeting Time: Third Monday of each month, 6 p.m. (Weekly meetings occur annually during late summer/early fall to review department budgets. )
Meeting Location: Recreation Center at Eastridge, Administrative Office
Questions: Contact Brice Kahler at Brice.Kahler@HRCAonline.org