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Home Improvement Request Forms

  • Select the type of project you are planning below. Scroll down to carefully review the guidelines and any relevant fees. Locate the form below the guidelines and completely respond to any required fields. Attach all specified documents. Failure to submit the requested information may result in a denial.

    If the submittal for the home requires multiple improvements at one time, please call our office directly at 303-471-8821 or email to work with a staff member to ensure the most efficient way to submit the improvements.

    Most improvements have an associated review fee noted on the form. All forms of credit card payments are acceptable online. Checks and credit cards are accepted at our office.

  • Birdbaths

    Fee: $15.00


    2.10 Birdbaths. 2.47 Ornaments.

    Committee approval is not required for one (1) birdbath if it is less than three (3) feet tall, including pedestal. Placement of additional units requires Committee approval. Refer to Section 2.47 Ornaments.

    Committee approval is not required if installed in “rear” yard and of a height less than three (3) feet. Small “front” yard ornaments less than 12 inches in height do not require approval, if ornament is at ground level, and color and design integrate into landscape. However, three or more require a landscape plan be submitted to the Committee for approval.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Bird Houses/Bird Feeders/Bird Baths/Bat Houses/Lawn Ornaments

    2.11/2.48 Bird Houses/Bird Feeders/Bird Baths/Lawn Ornaments

    Fee: $15.00

    Submittal Requirements:

    1. Wide angle photo of the location for the requested improvement
    2. Photo/brochure of the item(s) being installed with dimensions
    3. Drawing or site plans showing the proposed location and distances to lot lines


  • Boats, Motor Homes, and Recreational Vehicles

    Fee: $15.00


    2.12 Boats. See Motor Vehicles/Recreational Vehicles, Section 2.46.

    2.46 Motor Vehicles/Recreational Vehicles.
    The SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION provides that no “recreational vehicles”, “campers”, campers on/off a vehicle, “boats”, “mobile homes”, “horse trailer”, “tractors”, “motor homes” or “trucks” (other than a pickup truck) may be stored in such a manner as to be visible from any other property for longer than 72 hours in a seven (7) day period, except as may be approved in writing by the Architectural Committee for reasons such as out of town guests with a recreational trailer. For the purposes of this guideline, all of the above referenced vehicle types shall be considered “recreational vehicles” or RVs. The application of this guideline shall not be limited to only those types of vehicles listed. The Architectural Committee shall review any other vehicle type not listed on a case-by-case basis. Such vehicles may be kept only within garages or enclosed structures approved by the Committee. Periodic movement of the vehicle for the purpose of circumventing this standard shall not qualify the vehicle for exception from this standard. The purpose of the 72 hours is to load and unload the RV, not to provide storage/parking for the unit. RVs must be stored/parked in the garage, off-site, or as otherwise approved in writing by the Architectural Committee.

    No vehicles shall be parked on landscaped areas (i.e., rock, sod, mulch, plants, etc.).

    See Inoperable Vehicles, Section 2.38.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Carports

    Fee: $0.00


    2.16 Carports.

    Not permitted. See Motor Vehicles/Recreational Vehicles, Section 2.46 for allowable methods of vehicle storage.

    2.46 Motor Vehicles/Recreational Vehicles. The SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION provides that no “recreational vehicles”, “campers”, campers on/off a vehicle, “boats”, “mobile homes”, “horse trailer”, “tractors”, “motor homes” or “trucks” (other than a pickup truck) may be stored in such a manner as to be visible from any other property for longer than 72 hours in a seven (7) day period, except as may be approved in writing by the Architectural Committee for reasons such as out of town guests with a recreational trailer. For the purposes of this guideline, all of the above referenced vehicle types shall be considered “recreational vehicles” or RVs. The application of this guideline shall not be limited to only those types of vehicles listed. The Architectural Committee shall review any other vehicle type not listed on a case-by-case basis. Such vehicles may be kept only within garages or enclosed structures approved by the Committee. Periodic movement of the vehicle for the purpose of circumventing this standard shall not qualify the vehicle for exception from this standard. The purpose of the 72 hours is to load and unload the RV, not to provide storage/parking for the unit. RVs must be stored/parked in the garage, off-site, or as otherwise approved in writing by the Architectural Committee.

    No vehicles shall be parked on landscaped areas (i.e., rock, sod, mulch, plants, etc.).

    See Inoperable Vehicles, Section 2.38.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Clothes Lines and Hangers

    Fee: $0.00


    2.17 Clothes Lines and Hangers.

    Committee approval is not required for temporary or retractable clothes lines or clothes drying structures located in the backyard that have adequate visual screening and which can be, and are in fact, taken down or retracted after each use. Note that, under many of the currently existing Supplemental Declarations, clothing, fabrics and other articles may not be hung, dried or aired so as to be visible from other property except as provided in guidelines of the Committee.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • NOTE USED CURRENTLY: Fence/Gate Repairs

    2.30 Fences.

    Fee: $0.00

    Submittal Requirements:

    Any replacement with new material requires ARC approval. Any improvement or replacement with “used” material requires ARC approval.

    1. Site plan with the location of the fencing clearly marked.
    2. Style and height of fence, width of gate(s).
    3. Photos of any existing fences and gates
    4. Required “Highlands Ranch Fence Brown” solid stain color, unless otherwise specified and approved.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

    If repairs of 20% or less are being made a submittal is not required, please review the guidelines to ensure that repairs are completed to the standards of the Residential Improvement Guidelines.

    Refer to the Residential Improvement Guidelines, Section 2.30 before submission.

  • Fences - Stain

    Fee: $0.00


    2.28 Fences.

    General Statement: Homeowners are not required to install fencing. Fences constructed by the Developer or Builder along or abutting property lines, arterial streets, collector streets, and local streets may not be removed, replaced, stained, painted a different color, or altered from existing construction without approval of the Architectural Committee. If any such fences constructed by the Developer or Builder, which are located upon a homeowner’s property, are damaged or destroyed, the homeowner shall repair or recondition the same at the homeowner’s expense. Some fences may already be located upon property owned by the Highlands Ranch Metropolitan District and, if so, the approval of such District shall also be obtained before any such fence is removed, replaced, stained, painted or altered. It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the general fencing guidelines herein. If you have questions call our office at (303) 471-8821.


  • Firewood Storage

    Fee: $0.00


    2.29 Firewood Storage.

    Committee approval is not required for storage of one-half cord or less. Must be located in the “side” or “rear” yard, must be neatly stacked and stored directly along the side of the home so as to not block established drainage patterns. All other wood must be stored in an approved enclosure or “screened” from view.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Gardens - Flower

    Fee: $15.00


    2.32 Gardens - Flower.

    Committee approval is not required unless flower bed(s) will be raised. See Retaining Walls Section 2.62. Plant material must be live, not plastic or silk. All flower gardens must be weeded and carefully maintained. See also Landscaping Section 2.41.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Garbage Containers, Enclosures, and Pick Up

    Fee: $15.00


    2.84 Trash Containers, Enclosures and Pick Up.

    Committee approval is required. Considerations will include, but not be limited to, location in “rear” or “side” yard, and abutting the house, proximity to neighbors’ windows and outdoor living areas, visibility from the street with adequate visual “screening”, and odor control. Trash enclosures shall comply with Fencing Guidelines for solid fencing, see Section 2.28 Fences.

    Section 9.6 of the Community Declaration provides that refuse, garbage, trash, lumber, grass, shrub or tree clippings, plant waste, compost, metal, bulk materials, scrap, refuse or debris of any kind may not be kept, stored or permitted to accumulate on any lot except within an enclosed structure or appropriately screened from view.

    As provided in Section 5.28 of the Community Declaration, the Board designated day for trash pickup is segregated into (5) five geographic pick up zones. 1- Monday, 2- Tuesday, 3- Wednesday, 4-Thursday, 5- Friday. (Zone Boundaries are available online at or available for pickup at any Recreation Center. Trash may be placed on the street the evening prior to pickup. After pickup, trash containers must then be properly stored (appropriately “screened” from view) the same day as pickup. Sub-Associations with consolidated trash pickup are excluded.

    When preparing a submittal for a trash enclosure, include a plot plan with the location of the trash enclosure, including property setbacks clearly marked, style, material & color, and all other descriptive details.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Irrigation/Sprinkler Systems

    Fee: $0.00


    2.39 Irrigation Systems.

    Underground manual or automatic irrigation systems will not require approval of the Architectural Committee. See Irrigation, Section 3.10.

    3.10 Irrigation. Information may be obtained from the Highlands Ranch Metropolitan District, 303-791-0430 or visit their web site at It is recommended that watering be done during the morning or evening hours. One of the most common tendencies is to oversaturate your lot. We urge each homeowner to conserve water and as a result minimize problems on their own lots and on adjacent property owners’ lots caused by over-watering. This can be accomplished by watering in shorter cycles more often during the day. Several methods can be used to water your lawn: manual and automatic sprinkler systems and portable sprinklers. The following are some facts to consider in selecting the type and location of the sprinkler system:

    1. size and shape of areas to be watered;
    2. type of turf or ground cover;
    3. available water supply and pressure;
    4. environment of the area – wind rain, temperature, exposure and grades;
    5. low spraying irrigation devices may help to minimize wasted water due to wind;
    6. installation of an irrigation system directly adjacent to front sidewalks may eventually cause deterioration to concrete and paved areas;
    7. type of soil and its ability to accept water (local nurseries or do-it-yourself sprinkler stores have detailed information concerning the type and installation of irrigation systems);
    8. drip irrigation systems are recommended for tree and shrub areas.


    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Poles

    Fee: $0.00


    2.57 Poles.

    Committee approval is required. Choose Basketball Backboards Section 2.9, Birdhouse and Birdfeeders Section 2.11, or Flag Displays Section 2.30.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Signs and Advertising Devices

    Fee: $15.00


    2.72 Signs and/or Advertising Devices.

    A. For Sale or Lease: One (1) temporary sign advertising the property for sale or lease, which is ground mounted, no more than four (4) feet high, and no more than two (2) feet by three (3) feet in dimension, and which is conservative in color and style, may be installed on the property without Architectural Committee approval. No handwritten signs are allowed. Signs shall not be illuminated and shall not be attached to any structure, (i.e., deck, fencing, etc.). See Section 9.9 of the Community Declaration, Restrictions on Signs and Advertising Devices.

    B. Temporary Trade Signs: A temporary trade sign pertaining to, but not limited to, contractors, landscapers, painters and roofers, may only be displayed while work is in progress, or not to exceed thirty (30) days, whichever is less. This signage must meet the specifications set forth in paragraph 2.72 (A) above.

    C. Political Signs: Political signs may be displayed on a homeowner’s property or in a window no earlier than 45 days before and no later than seven days after an election day. The maximum size of political signs is 36 inches by 48 inches. Signs may be displayed in the front or side yard or in a window, which is visible from the street. The number of signs is limited to one sign per political office or ballot issue that is contested in the pending election.

    D. “No Trespassing” signs: Are allowed if posted on a fence or on a gate and are no larger than 4” high by 8” long. No more than 2 per yard.

    E. Beware of Dog/Dog Warning Signs: Are allowed if posted on a fence or gate and are no larger than 4” high by 8” long. No more than 2 per yard.

    F. Security Notification Signs: Are allowed if placed in the front of the residence. No more than 2 per yard.

    No other signage shall be permitted without Committee approval.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Temporary Structures

    Fee: $15.00


    2.82 Temporary Structures.

    Committee approval is required. Section 9.7 of the Community Declaration prohibits tents, shacks, temporary structures or temporary buildings without the prior consent of the Architectural Committee, and except in unusual circumstances, such consent will not be given. Camping tents for occasional overnight sleeping by children do not require Committee approval if left up for no longer than a total of 72 hours in any seven (7) day period.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Tree Houses

    Fee: $0.00


    2.85 Tree Houses.

    Shall not be permitted. See Section 2.56 Playhouses.

    2.56 Playhouses.

    Committee approval is required if it is more than 24 square feet and/or over six (6) feet high. See requirements in Section 2.2. Accessory Buildings. Only one playhouse per lot is permitted regardless of size.


    2.2 Accessory Buildings.

    See definition in Section IV. Architectural Committee approval is required. Submitted plans must include the dimensions and roof pitch. Considerations will include, but may not be limited to, the following criteria:

    • Materials, including roofing, shall match existing house unless otherwise approved by Committee. No plastic, composite or metal sheds are permitted.
    • Smaller lots may not have a suitable location for a storage shed. In any case, no more than one (1) accessory building/storage shed shall be permitted per property.
    • Color of siding and trim shall match colors of the existing house.
    • Maximum size is 8’ by 10’ by 8 ½’ in height, including skids, foundation or concrete slab. Shall be complimentary to the architectural style of the house.
    • Shall be “screened” by a fence or vegetation. Vegetation must be evenly distributed on all exposed sides and shall not allow more than 50% of building to be viewed from ground level.
    • Shall be located in the most unobtrusive location possible to adjacent properties with a minimum of two feet off any property line or fence.
    • Any utilities to accessory building shall be underground.
    • Shall not unreasonably obstruct views of properties on open spaces (See View and Solar Obstructions Section 2.87).

    Note: If grade is uneven, it may be necessary to excavate in order to meet the height requirement. Submittals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the lot size and proposed location of shed or accessory building.

    When preparing a submittal for a playhouse, include a plot plan with the location of the structure, including property setbacks clearly marked, screening, style, dimensions, material & color, and all other descriptive details.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • Windows - Guards

    Fee: $15.00


    2.92 Windows: Tinting, Security Bars, etc.

    Committee approval is required. All applications must have an approved “Energy Star” rating. Window grids and/or tinting must be applied to all windows on the same elevation (side of home).

    Note: Highly reflective or mirrored and/or dark tinting is considered too commercial for residential applications and is not allowed. Security bars will not be approved on second story windows and other windows visible from the street.

    It is important to note that some sub-associations have specific guidelines in addition to the HRCA guidelines herein. Please contact your sub-association for more information.

  • If you are using custom colors you will need to drop off a sample at the Eastridge Recreation Center.

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