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Backcountry Outdoor Center: 6005 Ron King Trail, Littleton, 80125

illustrated map to camp backcountry

NOTE: If your mapping system tries to take you to the Backcountry Outdoor Center via Grigs Road, re-route your map so that you enter from Santa Fe. 

Once on Ron King Trail, go about 0.1 miles through the arch that says Highlands Ranch Law Enforcement Facility then follow our Backcountry Wilderness Area elk head logo signs to your destination.

The Horse Corrals are shortly after you go under the arch and will be on your left. Park in the Horse Corrals lot and walk West towards the riding arenas.

The Archery Ranges are less than a mile down Ron King Trail and will be on your left. Park in the Archery lot and walk to the range.

Base Camp is down Ron King Trail the furthest. Follow the signs to your destination.

NOTE:  The Horse Corrals and Base Camp are not open for drop-in visits. Visitors must be part of a program, lesson, activity, etc.  The Archery Range is open for drop-in visits, but users must purchase a day pass or season pass to use the range.


Learn More About the

Backcountry Outdoor Center

Located just off Santa Fe & Ron King Trail, the Backcountry Outdoor Center is made up of Base Camp, the Horse Corrals, and the Archery Range and 3D Archery Range.

Please note, there is no public trailhead or independent access to the Backcountry Wilderness Area from the Backcountry Outdoor Center. This ensures the pristine environment is preserved and wildlife that lives in it continues to be minimally impacted by humans.

Base Camp Highlands Ranch Backcountry

Base Camp

Base Camp is the home of Camp Backcountry, our barnyard animals, and is the starting place for most programs.

Note: Base Camp is not open for public visits. Register for a program to visit.

Horse Corrals in Colorado

Horse Corrals

The Horse Corrals are the starting point for all horse programs. There are five different arenas and two round-pens utilized for lessons and programs, along with a trail for horseback rides.

Archery Range in Colorado

Archery Ranges

There are three archery ranges at the Backcountry Outdoor Center: a Sight-In Range, a Lesson Range, and a 3D Archery Range.

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